Rugby School Group firmly believes all children have a right to achieve their potential and to be protected from all forms of harm, including abuse and neglect, and that our staff have a particularly important role in the wider safeguarding system for children as they are in a position to identify concerns early and take action to secure help for children who need it.
We take a child centred approach to safeguarding and emphasises through training, the need to listen to children and to pay attention to changes in behaviour, presentation and demeanour, as these may be indicators of abuse.
The Governing Body, the Heads, the Executive Principal and Group staff are committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of all the children in their care. Both children and adults need a safe open and secure environment in which to live and work. Our safeguarding policy applies to all staff, governors and adult volunteers and to contact both inside and outside normal School hours. All students, including those who are 18-years-old and are considered to be vulnerable adults are to be regarded as children in the implementation of this policy.
We are committed to implementing good safeguarding practice and recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that anyone can make a referral to social care. We follow the procedures of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Guidance on making a referral which can be found at
A link to Rugby School Group’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures can be found here
Please click on the links below to access Rugby School Group’s most recent Independent Inspection Reports for:
Key personnel
Rugby School
Designated Safeguarding Lead at Rugby School: Mrs Liz Sale, Head of Safeguarding email: tel: 01788 556350 / 07917 550976
Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads: Rugby School: Mrs Lara Hampton, Deputy Head tel: 01788 546188 / 07917 550976
Mr Peter Bell, Assistant Head, Houses email: tel: 01788 556172 Mobile: 07917 550976
Nominated Child Protection governor: Rugby School: Ms Charlotte Marten email: tel: 07976 203164
Bilton Grange
Designated Safeguarding Lead at Bilton Grange: Mrs Mireille Everton, Assistant Head, Pastoral email: tel: 01788 810780 / 07423663038
Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads: Bilton Grange: Mr Mark Tovey, Assistant Head Boarding email: tel: 01788 810773 / 810764
Mrs Katie Gedye, Assistant Head Pre-Prep (for EYFS) email: tel: 01788 810719
Mr Stefan de Bruin, Head of Upper School email: tel: 01788 810217
Mr Chris Bartley, Head of Lower School email: tel: 01788 810217
Nominated Child Protection governor: Bilton Grange: Mr John Moreland Email: tel: 07545 496585